Photo by alleksana from Pexels
“Quitters never win”. You’ve probably heard this quote many times. It’s likely you’ve heard similar platitudes about not giving up. We have been taught to stick with something no matter how tough things get. But this line of thinking can actually be harmful. Giving up, quitting or leaving a bad job, situation or relationship is sometimes necessary. Moving on to something different might be the best path to success or better mental and physical health. It doesn’t mean you’ve failed. It simply means you desire better things for yourself. So when do you know it’s time to give up? Read on for some good reasons to be a quitter.
You Don’t Feel Inspired or Fulfilled
Feeling stuck, whether in your career or with a hobby, is a sign you might need a change. If what you’re doing isn’t inspiring or fulfilling, then quitting is not bad. Sometimes jobs, people, or goals stop meeting our needs for purpose and fulfillment. Often we realize they never met our needs at all. In these circumstances, moving on to better things is the best decision.
Negative Emotions and Thoughts Outweigh the Positive
Do you often feel upset, anxious, angry or depressed? If something is causing frequent or constant negative emotions, reclaim your inner peace by leaving the negativity behind. Don’t feel guilty for putting your well-being and happiness first.
You’ve Developed Unhealthy Habits or Behaviors
Sometimes we develop unhealthy habits, such as smoking or eating unhealthy foods, to cope with a stressful situation. And we may take out our frustrations by lashing out at innocent people like spouses or children. If you’ve noticed a negative change in your behaviors and habits, identify the cause and eliminate it as soon as possible.
Fear of Change is Your Only Reason for Staying
Fear of change is not a good reason for staying in a bad relationship or toxic work environment. Yes, change can be scary. But it’s much worse to jeopardize your mental and physical well-being by sticking with something or someone that you know isn’t good for you.
Your Sense of Self-Worth is Diminished
Toxic people or situations can greatly affect our confidence and self-worth. Sometimes the change is so subtle and gradual that we don’t notice while it’s happening. But if you don’t feel as good about yourself as you once did or regularly practice negative self-talk, start noting when your self-esteem is lowest or when you are most critical of yourself. If it happens when you are with certain people or in a particular environment, escape before more damage is done.
Quitting does not equal failure or weakness. In fact, quitting can be a sign of strength and wisdom. Learn to set boundaries, leave negative situations, make positive changes and prioritize your well-being. These things often require quitting, letting go and moving on. And that’s perfectly all right.