Book Review: Indispensable by Monday
I just finished reading Indispensable by Monday, a new book about profit producing behaviors employees can use to help their companies and themselves. Author Larry Myler is the CEO of More or Less, Inc., a consulting firm that specializes in profit enhancement.
For the book, Myler surveyed 1800 corporate leaders about what makes an employee indispensable. Part one details Myler’s survey results, including the percentage of corporate leaders that rate a given behavior as advantageous. My favorite part of the book is the Personal P&L Statement for quantifying your value. You don’t need a financial background to prepare your statement – it’s easy for anyone to create and can benefit your career no matter what your experience level or job title. In addition, a free Profit Proposal Generator (PPG) on Myler’s website turns your ideas from the book into professional-looking proposals.
In part two, “Pulling Money out of Thin Air”, fifteen profit sources are identified. From cost cutting procedures to recovering lost customers, the techniques in this section are easy to act upon no matter your job function. The first profit source, cost cutting, tells how to save money on a variety of expenses. One example was of a janitor who discovered a way to saved his company $30,000 per year in cleaning expenses. You’ll learn how utilities billing works, how to shorten the cash conversion cycle, and much more practical information few employees bother to learn. Although most of this section is about increasing profits and reducing costs for your company, Myler writes about the importance of interpersonal communication. However, he is honest about the fact that good soft skills alone won’t make you indispensible.
The sections in part three include choosing high value solutions, improved performance appraisals, how to increase sales, and advice for those in leadership roles. There are several examples of resume entries that showcase profit-enhancing solutions, in addition to tips on how to present your accomplishments at a performance review using techniques from the book. The final section in part three is entitled “Everything You Need to Know about Accounting- and It’s Not Much”. Familiarity with financial statements essential for every employee and, according to Myler’s survey, corporate leaders agree.
The impression I got while reading was that, unlike many books in this category, the focus is on practical skills and knowledge as opposed to soft skills and office politics. You’ll discover strategies for making a measurable difference at your company and it applies to all employees, from new graduates to experienced professionals. Not every suggestion will be relevant to you right now, especially if you’re an entry-level employee, but there should be at least one or two techniques that will prove beneficial to you and to your employer. The other techniques can be saved for when you gain more experience or if your job responsibilities change.
To learn more about the book, visit
Note: This review was based on my personal opinion and I have been completely honest in my assessment of the book. I was NOT compensated for reviewing this book. Promotional and sponsored content will always be identified on this website. See the About page for my full disclosure policy.