Jobs for Introverts and Extroverts in Each Field
I’ve focused on introverts in a past article because introverts are more limited in terms of what careers they can pursue. Since I don’t want to leave extroverts out, I’ll suggest some good jobs for introverts and extroverts within each field. Many introvert career suggestions will suit extroverts and visa versa. This post is meant for those that fall at an extreme end of the introvert/extrovert spectrum and want a career that is most likely to suit this particular personality aspect.
Accounting and Finance:
Extroverts are more likely to prefer management positions while introverts will prefer to stay behind the scenes doing research or financial analysis. Extroverts also make good entrepreneurs because they can make connections easily.
Introvert jobs: credit analyst, financial analyst, staff accountant
Extrovert jobs: personal financial adviser, financial manager, financial services sales agent
Marketing and Sales:
A reader commenting on a previous post mentioned that she loves the creativity used in marketing but she feels overwhelmed as an introvert. For creative introverts, marketing can be a good field if you choose a job that allows for some quiet time to concentrate.
Introvert jobs: market research analyst, web/internet marketing analyst, marketing copywriter
Extrovert jobs: advertising sales agent, public relations specialist, marketing manager*
*Marketing manager can be a great job for both introverts and extroverts, depending on the responsibilities of a particular position. Some marketing managers focus a large portion of their time on research and designing promotional material. Presentation and communication skills are essential for marketing management, but extroversion is not.
Information Technology:
You may think that only introverts would enjoy computer-related occupations, but extroverts can actually excel in jobs that require good marketing and public relations skills. Introverts will probably enjoy work within an organization where they can remain in the background working on projects without worrying too much about promoting their ideas or products.
Introvert jobs: software engineer, computer systems analyst
Extrovert jobs: independent web developer/designer, professional tech blogger, entrepreneur
You might be surprised to learn that many teachers consider themselves introverts. Don’t rule teaching out if you are introverted because many teaching jobs allow for down-time between classes. If you are interested in teaching a certain subject, don’t let your personality stop you.
Introvert jobs: librarian, school psychologist, guidance counselor, college professor
Extrovert jobs: elementary school teacher, education administrator
Health care:
Empathy and patience are two important traits for health care workers to have. Introverts are often very sensitive and contemplative, making them excellent candidates for many jobs the health care field. Extroverts usually do well in jobs that require both good interpersonal skills and stamina. You can really hone these skills by pursuing a master’s degree in healthcare ethics. Perhaps the greatest aspect of online education is that you can make it work around your regular life. Furthermore, this type of degree will allow you to obtain a deeper understanding regarding a number of patient interaction methods. This knowledge can only help you in the medical field. Both introverts and extroverts can find something to enjoy with online education, as introverts won’t have to worry about giving any big speeches, and extroverts can schedule their education around their social life.
Introvert jobs: pharmacist, anesthesiologist, family physician, nutritionist, home health nurse
Extrovert jobs: emergency medical technician, physical therapist, emergency room nurse
Whether you consider yourself to be an introvert or an extrovert or somewhere in between, each field holds a career path that’s right for you. To learn more about career and personality, read What Color is Your Parachute?
Very informative post. I never realized how being a teacher is suited for introverted people. Another surefire job for introverted people is anything that pertains to the Internet. Online work allows employees to be removed from actual contact with co-workers as their communication is reduced to IM or chat. If you happen to be questioning the validity of the Internet, look no further to online school. Even education looks for online assistance to teach their students such as online interior design courses, management webinars, and such.
I am a middle school teacher and an introvert. After teaching for 10 years, I am fried and must find a new career. The problem with a teacher’s schedule is that even though “down-time” may be planned into your day, you DO NOT REALLY GET ANY DOWN-TIME. Your break times are taken up by meetings, planning, tutoring, making phone calls, and grading papers. If you are a true introvert, I recommend a position that is more one-on-one with students. Otherwise, you may find yourself looking for a different job in a few years.
@ Elizabeth
You’re right that K-12 teachers usually have little, if any, down time. I think that post-secondary teaching is the best option for introverts.