Here’s What You Should Know Before Getting Your Master’s Online
The following post is sponsored by Peterson’s and Tulane University
Have you been thinking about going back to school for your master’s degree but aren’t sure how you could fit post-graduate studies into your schedule? As a working adult with financial and family responsibilities, it can be hard to find time to go back to school, even if you know you need a master’s degree to build the career you want.
That’s why online master’s degree programs can be a great option for those who want to further their education but need flexibility. You can do the coursework from anywhere and study on evenings and weekends while holding down a full-time job. But post-graduate education is challenging and can be even more so if you’re taking classes online. Before you enroll in an online master’s degree, you need to know what challenges are involved, so you can be sure that going to grad school is the right choice for you.
That’s why online master’s degree programs can be a great option for those who want to further their education but need flexibility. You can do the coursework from anywhere and study on evenings and weekends while holding down a full-time job. But post-graduate education is challenging and can be even more so if you’re taking classes online. Before you enroll in an online master’s degree, you need to know what challenges are involved, so you can be sure that going to grad school is the right choice for you.
You’ll Need Family Support
Of course, grad students in on-campus programs also need the support of their families, if they have them, to make it to graduation day. But for students in online programs, the need is typically more pressing, and not just because students in online master’s programs are more likely to have spouses and children at home. Students in online programs don’t attend classes on campus and can’t escape to the university library to do homework in a quiet, kid-free environment.
You’ll most likely be doing all of your work from home. As a result, those you live with will need to understand your need for uninterrupted blocks of time in which to do coursework. It’s especially important that children understand not to interrupt you unless it’s an emergency — and you should be specific with what constitutes an emergency. Your spouse may need to pick up more of the parenting and household responsibilities, especially if you’re still working full-time while you go to school. Post your study schedule on the refrigerator or in another prominent place at home, and make sure your family or housemates can respect your time boundaries.
Free Time Will Become Rarer
Many reputable universities these days offer online master’s degrees that are just as rigorous as their on-campus counterparts, and just as valued by employers. Degrees like the master’s in employment law from Tulane University can significantly boost your salary and career prospects, but the trade-off is that you’ll have to work hard to earn one. Most online master’s students find they have to schedule carefully to balance their studies with their professional, family, and social lives, and that means free time will become a precious commodity while you’re finishing your program.
Most online master’s programs take one to two years to complete if you study full-time. Full-time study could mean two years of early mornings and late nights, especially if you’re working full-time as well. Part-time study may be less time-intensive in the short term but could mean taking five or six years to finish your master’s, instead of just one or two.
Self-Discipline Isn’t Optional
One big reason why online grad school isn’t for everyone is that successfully completing an online program requires self-discipline. With no obligation to physically show up in a classroom, it can be easy to let coursework pile up, and that can spell doom when you’re in a demanding graduate program. No one will be holding you accountable for doing your coursework, except you. If you can’t discipline yourself to stick to a study schedule, getting your master’s online may not be the right choice.
However, a big perk is that no one cares when you do your work, as long as you meet your assignment deadlines. You can do your coursework on your lunch break at work, early in the morning before sending the kids off to school or in the middle of the night, for all anyone will care.
An online master’s program might be the perfect choice for you if you need a program that offers flexibility to working students. Most online master’s programs are designed with the needs of adult professionals in mind, so you can enter one in confidence that your professors, advisors and peers will respect your need to focus on your career, too. While finishing an online master’s while working full-time requires a lot of hard work, it’s definitely doable and will pay off in the form of a higher salary, more opportunities and, of course, deep-seated feelings of pride and accomplishment.