Great Jobs for Each Personality Type
This blog has focused on jobs for introverts and extroverts, but there are more components to personality than just introversion vs. extroversion. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI), there are sixteen different personality types. The four dichotomies include introversion vs.extroversion, sensing vs. intuition, thinking vs. feeling, and perceiving. judging. Many career counselors use the MBTI® to help determine which careers are best for an individual. If you don’t know your personality type, read more about the different types here or take a free test online. Each personality has it’s strengths and weaknesses, and these should be considered when choosing a career path.
ISTJ’s are responsible and organized. They value loyalty and tradition. However, they can be too rigid and not receptive to criticism. Career options: Accountant, financial analyst, computer programmer.
ISFJ’s are organized and dependable. They also love to help others, sometimes at the expense of their own needs. Career options: mental health counselor, nurse, social worker, elementary school teacher.
INFJ’s are great listeners and communicators. An INFJ values relationships but may have trouble expressing themselves to others. Career options: teacher, psychologist, physician.
INTJ’s are independent and intelligent. They also place high expectations on those around them. Career options: software engineer, biochemist, medical researcher, statistician, economist.
ISTP’s are highly efficient and excel at organizing large amounts of data. They are action-oriented and interested in how things work. Career options: entrepreneur, mechanical engineer, airline pilot, forensic pathologist.
ISFP’s are loyal, friendly, and sensitive. They tend to like animals and children, and appreciate aesthetic beauty. Career options: pediatrician, veterinarian, interior designer, musician, counselor, elementary school teacher.
INFP’s are adept at reading others’ feelings. They are idealistic, loyal and caring. INFP’s are also flexible and laidback, but are not as proficient with details or routine tasks. Career options: writer, counselor, musician, professor, human resource management.
INTP’s are imaginative, laid-back and interested in theoretical concepts. They are less interested in practical applications of their work. Career options: physicist, mathematician, chemist, professor, photographer.
ESTJ’s are practical, driven, social and enthusiastic. They are natural leaders. However, they are generally not interested in routine and details. Career options: Business manager, teacher, sales representative, politician, lawyer, judge.
ESFJ’s are conscious, cooperative and compassionate. They are happiest when serving others. Career options: teacher, nurse, counselor, occupational therapist, social worker.
ENFJ’s are affectionate, empathetic and responsible. They are sensitive to criticism and dislike conflict. Career options: teacher, psychologist, human resources manager, social worker.
ENTJ’s are decisive and goal-oriented. They take criticism well. Career options: business administration, finance, political science, criminal justice, and economics.
ESTP’s are energetic, practical and attracted to risk. They are easily bored and may be insensitive to others’ feelings. Career options: sales representative, police officer, ER physician, marketing manager, entrepreneur.
ESFP’s are spontaneous, fun, and outgoing. They love new experiences and interacting with people. ESFP’s dislike structure and routine. Career options: politician, teacher, musician, actor, consultant
ENFP’s are enthusiastic and imaginative. They excel at communication and inspiring others. Career options: psychologist, consultant, writer, teacher.
ENTP’s are laid-back and resourceful. They have excellent problem-solving skills. ENTP’s are easily bored and do poorly where attention to detail and routine are required. Career options: lawyer, entrepreneur, marketing manager, consultant. You probably will identify with more than one personality type, so don’t worry if you think that two or three types fit you. Personality typing is just a guide to give you ideas about career paths that will be most satisfying.
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Sources: Please Understand Me: Character and Temperament Types by David Keirsey