Finding a Company That Matches Your Values
Recent comments by Whole Foods CEO John Mackey have caused both customers and employees to question the company’s values. Not only is it important to shop at businesses that stand for what you believe, but it is also important to work for an organization that matches your values. There are several ways to determine whether or not a potential employer has the culture and business practices that suit your personality, ethics and principles. Some useful strategies for assessing a company’s values:.
Employer Ratings
If you don’t personally know employees at a company, you can read reviews from current and former employees on sites like Glassdoor or Vault. Insider information provides more value than any other source, and review sites give employees from a variety of locations and positions the opportunity to honestly rate companies. Not only will you learn more about how employees are treated at all levels, but also about salaries and benefits for different positions.
News Updates and Media Coverage
Sign up to receive news updates about companies in your industry. This will help you learn more about each company’s business practices and corporate culture. Staying up-to-date about company news is also important for job interviews, because employers expect candidates to do research beforehand. Social media platforms can also provide useful updates, but should not be your only source of information.
An interview is not one-sided, although it can feel that way to an nervous job-seeker. The interview provides a time to learn more about a potential employer, including the company culture and priorities. Before going on your next interview, compile a list of questions to ask your interviewer(s). Don’t forget questions related to overall company practices that relate to causes that matter most to you. Your online research should give you a starting point, so your questions will be more in-depth about a topic or related to future plans. This tactic will not only impress your interviewers but also provide valuable insight into the company and it’s priorities.
When it comes to career happiness, your employer’s values matter just as much as your specific job description and responsibilities. It’s easy to forget your values and ethics when faced with a frustrating job search or a good job offer, but considering these factors before accepting a job can prevent dissatisfaction in the long run.