When Employers Don’t Follow Up
You research the company, plan your route to the interview spot, and spend hours practicing answers. Not only have you put in a lot of time and effort, but also money for transportation. The interview goes well, they seem to really like you and say they’ll get back to you. Then, you wait. And wait. Unfortunately, most job-seekers today will face this scenario at least once. In fact, it has become common for employers not to follow-up with candidates. How do you maintain your sanity when employers aren’t responsive? There are a few strategies for getting information without being an nuisance.
Ask for a Timeline
At the end of your interview, inquire about the hiring timeline if you haven’t been given one during the interview process. It may not be completely accurate, but it will give you an idea of when you should expect a follow-up. Even if the hiring process is put on hold, you should expect an update from the potential employer so you won’t be left in the dark. If the employer can’t or won’t give a timeline, you should carefully consider if you’d want to work at such an organization.
Follow-Up Once
One follow-up on the job seeker’s side is enough. Wait until the follow-up date given by the employer has passed (several days or a week to be safe) and send a polite email reaffirming your interest in the position. A short email will be less annoying and intrusive, but still shows that you expect communication after putting in the effort to interview. If you don’t get a response, move on and forget about the negative experience. Continuing to badger the employer won’t help your case and will only fuel your frustration.
Stay Focused on Your Search
Even if you’re almost certain about a job, don’t stop your job search until a contract is signed. Sometimes employers make promises and then find they don’t have the budget for the position or decide to go with another candidate. It’s unprofessional, but a common practice. After dealing with rejection and rude employers, you may begin to feel that your efforts are a waste of time. But the longer you persist, the greater chance you have of finding a company that values your skills and treats you with respect.
While it’s understandable that a company can’t respond to every applicant, those who have taken the time to interview deserve communication and honesty from potential employers. Sadly, professionalism isn’t as common as one might expect and job seekers should be prepared. The key to job search success is remaining focused and moving past the inevitable negative experiences.