Coping with Job Search Burnout
Job searching can be frustrating, demoralizing, and even dehumanizing. Dealing with constant rejection, jumping through hoops, and trying to say just the right things to impress potential employers can wear you down. You may even want to give up searching completely. But there are strategies to help overcome feelings of disappointment. A few tips and tricks to overcome job search burnout.
Take Scheduled Breaks
Searching everyday can be an emotional and physical drain, even if you don’t realize it. Take two or three days off per week from searching or thinking about your job search. The weekends are generally best for taking a break because that’s also when employers will likely be off too. A break will help you regain the confidence and energy needed to continue looking for the right position.
Don’t Allow Desperation to Control You
If you allow yourself to feel desperate, you’ll make mistakes and may even take a job that’s not right for you. It’s better to take your time, think about which jobs best suit you and evaluate offers carefully. Applying to every job you see is a waste of time and energy for you and the hiring managers that have to sift through applications. Before you even apply to a permanent position, ask yourself it it’s something you can do for at least one year. If you’re not sure, don’t apply.
Set Daily Goals
Setting small daily goals can give you structure in your search and a feeling of accomplishment. Make a list of everything you want to do regarding your job search, whether it’s rewriting your resume or reaching out to contacts. Cross each task off your list as you complete it. Have a goal set for number of resumes or applications sent out. It may be one or five depending on your industry and how much you think you can handle. One quality application is better than ten mediocre ones.
Know Your Limits
Just as you should set goals, you need to also set limits. For example, you can limit the number of applications you send in to a manageable level. You want to be able to focus and do things correctly, rather than rush to do too much. Also have a time each day when you stop. Don’t check emails, send in applications or work on anything job related. Instead, do something to relieve your stress and help you forget the job hunt for the rest of the day.
Trust Your Intuition
If you don’t feel right about something, whether its a job listing or a company culture, there’s likely a good reason. You’re brain may subconsciously pick up on that aren’t obvious but you still get a feeling that something isn’t right. That’s called intuition and you shouldn’t ignore it. Being aware of what your subconscious is telling you can help you avoid a lot of stress and problems associated with job hunting.
For more job search tips, read Knock ’em Dead 2017: The Ultimate Job Search Guide