Characteristics of a Secure Job
An economic crisis and high levels of unemployment cause many people to seek out recession-proof industries. Job security will become a priority for many workers that have experienced layoffs or decreased income. For a more secure future, consider careers with the following characteristics:
You have to be physically present
One of the biggest threats for both white collar and blue collar workers is off-shoring. Many jobs in information technology, customer service, manufacturing and other fields have been off-shored. Having specialized skills or a graduate degree doesn’t necessarily protect your job from off-shoring. One way you can protect against off shoring is a job that requires your presence. Most health-care jobs qualify, in addition to skilled trades like plumbing. Changing industries or careers isn’t always necessary, just choose a specialty that’s harder to off-shore. Concerns about security and privacy might prevent certain jobs in IT, finance, law, and other professions from being off-shored.
Not reliant on disposable income
Careers in utilities, education and health-care are more secure because these industries provide essential services. No matter how bad the economy gets, students have to go to school and people experience medical emergencies. Retail, construction, and real estate are less secure areas because they rely heavily on a healthy economy and/or consumer spending.
Rapid growth
When an occupation experiences rapid numerical or percentage growth, many more workers are needed to support cultural, technological, and demographic changes. However, once a high growth occupation is identified, many more people enter the field. This may cancel out the high growth to an extent and lead to increased competition, which leads to the next point.
Strict education and licensing requirements
Specific education, experience, certification and/or licensing requirements limit entrants into the field and limit competition for jobs. This provides some security, especially in a bad economy. Most healthcare jobs require certification at a minimum, and many require graduate degrees.
Every industry experiences layoffs, including healthcare and education. However, there are areas that offer more security than others and the factors listed provide a starting point for finding a secure career. See High Demand Jobs for the Future for careers with high projected demand over the next decade.