10 Sites for Better Studying
Good news for Internet addicts: browsing the web can help raise your GPA! Make the most of your time online by frequenting sites that offer lectures, notes, tutorials, and study strategies. Ten of my favorite online study resources:
Since 1996, Studygs.net has provided study strategies and resources to help students achieve success. You’ll find guides to time management, problem solving, decision making, memorizing, online learning, test taking, writing, math, science, and many more subjects. Site content is available in a number of different languages.
LectureFox offers free lectures from colleges including Princeton, Yale, and MIT. Topics include politics, biology, physics, history, and music. Lecture materials include audio, video, and/or notes.
Create, study, share, and print flashcards at FlashCardExchange.com. You can also study flashcards created by other users, save your favorite sets, and export flashcards.
Articles on How-to-Study.com are written by Dr. Charles Mangrum and Dr. Stephen Strichart and cover a variety of topics. You’ll find advice on choosing a college, note taking, giving presentations, and much more .
Cramster is an online study community where students can view lecture notes, work practice problems, and take practice tests.
Written by medical student Stefan Knapen, StudySuccessful.com offers innovative tips for note taking, personal development, productivity, and time management.
A schedule maker, access to class notes and old exams, flash card creation and professor ratings are some of the features available to members at Koofers.com. The site has over 2000 universities and is free to join. Instructors can also join and share course materials.
Study Hacks is a blog by Cal Newport, author of two books about academic success. The blog covers time management, stress reduction, organization, test taking, paper writing and many other topics.
A project of the Monetary Institute of Technology and Education (MITE), Hippocampus provides free multimedia resources for high school and college students. Subjects covered include statistics, calculus, environmental science, and psychology.
Although most popular for their literature guides, Cliffs Notes are available for every subject area. In addition to subject study guides, CliffsNotes.com contains test preparation guides and college resources.
Bookmark some (or all) of these websites and stop feeling guilty about your time online.